AMELIORATE Resurfacing Facial Mask

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Product omschrijving

NEW AMELIORATE Resurfacing Facial Mask Turn up your glow and boost your skin's radiance with our NEW Resurfacing Facial Mask. This dermatologist approved, radiance reviving and intensive facial mask contains our most powerful resurfacing complex yet, supercharged with the highest level of lactic acid in our facial skincare range to quickly brighten a tired, dull complexion in up to 15 minutes. VISIBLE BENEFITS: Resurfaces Refines pores Hydrates Your 'glow-to' product for a quick fix, the rich, cushiony cream glides over the face, and a high performance blend of concentrated AHAs and PHAs work alongside probiotic technology to promote skin cell renewal. Together these active ingredients support a healthy skin barrier, respectfully resurfacing the skin and stimulating its self renewal process while our unique LaH6 Skin Hydration Complex provides lasting moisture. ​This blend of ingredients makes this mask suitable for senstive and dehydrated skin. PROVEN RESULTS: Clinically proven to significantly increase moisture levels in the skin for up to 12 hours 91% agreed that the product left their skin looking brighter, fresher, and more radiant* 94% agreed that the mask left their skin looking and feeling instantly smoother and softer* 90% agreed that the texture and condition of their dry, rough, bumpy skin felt and looked improved* *Tested on 101 men and women Our skincare scientists create powerful formulas to help you solve your skincare concerns. AMELIORATE's ingredients are all researched by experts and tested and approved by dermatologists to ensure effective results.


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