AMELIORATE Restorative Facial Mask 75ml

Van het merk Ameliorate

Er zijn helaas geen AMELIORATE Restorative Facial Mask 75ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Give skin a boost with the AMELIORATE Restorative Facial Mask. The overnight mask helps to enhance skin’s natural moisture barrier to promote suppleness and elasticity. Powered by the brand’s unique LaH6 skin hydration complex and hyaluronic acid, the mask works to plump skin with intense hydration. A ProRenew complex supports skin’s surface cell renewal, targeting dryness and roughness to help improve overall texture. Topped with plant-derived squalane, the moisturising mask promotes a smoother and healthier-looking complexion, while providing a dewy finish.


Merk Ameliorate
EAN 5056379596809