Hawkins & Brimble Conditioner (250ml)

Van het merk Hawkins Brimble

Er zijn helaas geen Hawkins & Brimble Conditioner (250ml) aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Enjoy a healthy head of hair with the Hawkins & Brimble Conditioner; a nourishing formula that keeps locks in tip top condition. Infused with Coconut Oil, the conditioner effortlessly glides through cleansed locks, promoting smooth and manageable hair with intense shine. The Coconut Oil works to restore a natural oil balance throughout hair, ensuring its healthy moisture levels are maintained in order to prevent damage. Whilst enveloping hair in a veil of moisture, the conditioner discourages the occurrence of frizz and flyaways. Hair is left smooth and silky. Free from parabens, colourants, SLS/SLES, mineral oils and animal testing. Made in the UK.


Merk Hawkins Brimble
EAN 5060495670541