Grow Gorgeous Scalp Care Scalp Detox Scrub 200ml

Van het merk Grow Gorgeous

Er zijn helaas geen Grow Gorgeous Scalp Care Scalp Detox Scrub 200ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Deep clean your scalp and achieve the perfect canvas for gorgeous hair with the Grow Gorgeous Scalp Detox Scrub. Just as flawless make-up starts with primed skin, a scalp exfoliator lays the foundation for flourishing strands. Skincare shouldn’t stop at your hairline, so level up your routine with this essential first step in your haircare routine. The purifying pre-wash treatment instantly detoxifies and refreshes scalps with a tendency for grease and product build-up, going the extra mile to help get the very best out of your hair. The powerful scalp-clarifying formula balances excess sebum and gently buffs away follicle-clogging grime caused by urban pollution, plus other dulling impurities that can scupper hair’s potential.


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