Rahua Colour Full Conditioner Deluxe Mini 22ml

Van het merk Rahua

Er zijn helaas geen Rahua Colour Full Conditioner Deluxe Mini 22ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Preserve colour vibrancy with Rahua Colour Full™ Conditioner, now in a Deluxe Mini size that’s perfect for travelling. Powered by the brand’s unique Colour Protection Complex, the plant-derived formula offers three layers of protection and features a blend of Rahua oil molecules, lilac clay and morete oil to help moisturise each strand and intensify colour pigment.Ideal for all shades of colour-treated and highlighted hair, the high-performance formula detangles and softens the strands, while preventing fading to maintain natural tones.


Merk Rahua
EAN 859528006816