Joico Instatint Amethyst Temporary Color Shimmer Spray 50ml

Van het merk Joico

Er zijn helaas geen Joico Instatint Amethyst Temporary Color Shimmer Spray 50ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Joico’s Instatint Temporary Colour Shimmer Spray is the answer for those of you who find yourselves enviously eyeing those with bold, colour-popping strands but just can’t commit to going all-in. The Cosmic Collection features a wide range of wild shades infused with a micro-fine metallic shimmer and can be used on any hair colour, texture or length. Formulated with temporary pigments, which cuts out any processing damage and Joico’s exclusive Bio-Advanced Peptide Complex, designed to repair, protect and add shine to hair while fighting frizz. It lasts for three full days before the colour starts fading; just wash it out when you’ve had enough.


Merk Joico
EAN 074469504904