VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml

Van het merk Virtue

Er zijn helaas geen VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster 120ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The VIRTUE Flourish Density Booster is a botanical-based nutrient infusion for the scalp. Ideal for those with weakened, thinning hair, the treatment is formulated to stimulate fatigued follicles and nourish the scalp. The density booster combines patented alpha and gamma keratins with a Biomimetic Signal Peptide. Together, they help to boost hair strength and elasticity, while nourishing the scalp for a healthier appearance. 100% drug-free. Colour-safe, paraben-free and gluten-free. Vegan.


Merk Virtue
EAN 817023025480