Hairburst Hydrating and Balancing Scalp Tonic 100ml

Van het merk Hairburst

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Product omschrijving

Discover the Hairburst Hydrating and Balancing Scalp Tonic, an innovative formula that helps to deeply nourish the hair. The tonic is formulated to support the scalp, in order to promote optimal conditions for healthy hair growth. A blend of niacinamide and hyaluronic acid help to trap moisture in the hair, while saccharide isomerate offers up to 72 hours of hydration. Fortified with rice proteins, the formula supports the scalp’s pH, as aloe vera lends a soothing effect. The versatile tonic can be used on wet or dry hair, fitting seamlessly in to your haircare rituals. Vegan and cruelty-free.


Merk Hairburst
EAN 5060743581483