Icy Bear Diamond Whitening Toothpaste 100ml

Van het merk Icy Bear

Er zijn helaas geen Icy Bear Diamond Whitening Toothpaste 100ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The award-winning Diamond Whitening Toothpaste by Icy Bear is an innovative formula designed to help brighten your smile. Developed and designed by celebrity dentist Dr Hanna Kinsella, the toothpaste works to remove surface stains and plaque while seeking to extend the results of in-clinic whitening treatments. The refreshing paste is enriched with diamond dust, helping to gently clean the teeth, as peppermint extract offers an invigorating flavour, aiming to instantly eliminate bad breath. Designed for twice-daily use, the toothpaste promotes a sparkling smile.


Merk Icy Bear
EAN 5065008983033