Falco Lennox 2 Grey 47

Van het merk Falco

Er zijn helaas geen Falco Lennox 2 Grey 47 aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Why choose the Falco Lennox 2 Grey? The Falco Lennox 2 Shoe/Sneaker is part of ChromeBurner’s protective footwear collection. What is not to love about a great motorcycle shoe? They are comfortable, an eye catcher for style gurus and above all much safer than your daily pair of sneakers. Motorcycle Shoe/Sneaker are an important piece of your gear, they protect your feet and finish youroutfit and you can wear them all day! This is exactly what the Lennox 2 provides! This Shoe/Sneaker fills the gap between style, protection and comfort and will therefore especially cater to the needs of Chopper/Retro riders. However, if the Lennox 2 are not right up your street, check out our other motorcycle Shoe/Sneakers from Falco. () Falco Lennox 2 construction These Shoe/Sneakers are not as technically advanced or as stiff as racing or motocross type boots, and that's fine. They don't need to be, the Lennox 2 gets you ready to ride without sacrificing everyday function and comfort. Do not


Merk Falco
EAN 8052675491074