FLY Racing F-16 Gloves Black M

Van het merk Fly Racing

Er zijn helaas geen FLY Racing F-16 Gloves Black M aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Why buy the FLY Racing F-16 Gloves Black motorcycle gloves? The FLY Racing f-16 motorcycle gloves are a great pair of Short Cuff Summer gloves. The f-16’s features play right into the needs and wishes of Motocross/Enduro riders. No matter your riding style, a pair of comfortably fitting gloves is of the utmost importance because having great feel with the handlebars is essential to operate your bike. FLY Racing f-16 features These gloves areconstructed from Goat leather, Textile to provide you with the necessary protection from abrasion. Its provide ample impact protection in the case of a slide. These gloves are fitted with a Velcro closure for easy and secure fastening. When it comes to ventilation, they are equipped with . These particular gloves come in the color Black. If you’re looking for a different pair of gloves, we have plenty more FLY Racing motorcycle gloves () available.


Merk Fly Racing
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