Dainese Casual Regular Lady Tex Black 28

Van het merk Dainese

Er zijn helaas geen Dainese Casual Regular Lady Tex Black 28 aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Why buy the Dainese Casual Regular Lady Tex Black motorcycle jeans? The Dainese Casual Slim Tex motorcycle Slim jeans are great Midseason, Summer pants from Dainese. The Casual Slim Tex jeans allow you to combine style, protection and comfort and will therefore especially cater to the needs of Chopper/Retro, Urban/Street riders. This Black pair of jeans are a great addition to any Chopper/Retro, Urban/Street rider's wardrobe! Is Black not your favorite color or is this not the right Jeans for you? don't fret we have plenty more motorcycle jeans () in our collection. Dainese Casual Slim Tex features These Armalith jeans from Dainese are of a Single Layer construction, and have CE Level 1 hip, CE Level 1 knee protectors to ensure you are protected. These jeans have a AA safety rating.


Merk Dainese
EAN 8051019312594