Spidi Furious Pro Blauw Used Medium 36

Van het merk Spidi

Er zijn helaas geen Spidi Furious Pro Blauw Used Medium 36 aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The new SPIDI Furious Pro motorcycle jeans are entirely prEN17092-3:2017 Class AA certified, and have been specifically developed to offer excellent performance while on the bike, without sacrificing any comfort on the street. Each paid has a main chassis of abrasion and penetration resistant 13 oz Cordura cotton with a carabiner to securely attach a jacket. There are flexible panels above both knees to offer all-day wearability and the jeans feature a slim fit cut to ensure a more modern fit with less concern about flapping material at highway speeds. Each pair come with Warrior Lite Armor Level 1 knee and hip armor– certified to the En 1621-1:2012 standard, and the knee armor is adjustable to allow each rider to get it located correctly. The inner thighs area is made of a flexible, breathable material to avoid bunching and sweating. There are three front pockets, and two rear pockets with an inner wallet barrier.


Merk Spidi
EAN 8030161317015