Sena 50S 5.0 Dual

Van het merk Sena

Er zijn helaas geen Sena 50S 5.0 Dual aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Sena 50S - Sound by Harman Kardon dual Pack Bluetooth Communication The Sena 50s brings a premium audio experience. Both the speakers and microphone were created with the expertise of the well known brand Harman Kardon.The combination of the excellent sound of Harman kardon in combination with Sena's best model makes the Sena 50 S exceptional in its range. The sena 50s not only has another audio system but also a new design. The new design of the sena 50 s only has 3 buttons.Which makes the product really friendly to use.  The sena 50 S delivers not one, but three different intercom modes: Group Mesh Intercom, Multi Channel Open Mesh Intercom and bluetooth intercom. Mesh communication systems are an  advanced communication technology that allows you to stay in contact with your friends. Mesh works like a spiderweb through which every motorcyclist is connected to each other.  With this different type of connection you will stay constantly connected, regardless of your position in


Merk Sena
EAN 8809629522069