IXS Hack Evo Elbow Guards - Elleboogbeschermers

Van het merk Ixs

Er zijn helaas geen IXS Hack Evo Elbow Guards - Elleboogbeschermers aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

A great introduction to the iXS protection line, the Hack Evo+ Elbow Guards are ideal for those of you new mountain bikers just starting out on your adventures or more experienced riders seeking a great value protection option.  Inspired by the characteristics of the Flow and Carve pads, the Hack Evo's offer a lightweight and flexible fit. This is thanks to the AeroMesh construction. This high-performance 3D mesh is both breathable and quick-wicking, preventing sweat build-up. An anti-bacterial finish also combats odour and prevents any itchiness that bacterial build-up can cause.   Qmatter Protection Across the elbow, you'll find iXs' Qmatter padding, ergonomically shaped for a perfect fit and optimal flexibility. Absorbing impact energy, and meeting the EN1621 level 1 standard, Qmatter padding ensures that you enjoy protection in the event of a crash - and all being well you can dust yourself down and keep riding. 


Merk Ixs
EAN 7630554909158