Five Ten Women's Wind Jacket - Jassen

Van het merk Five Ten

Er zijn helaas geen Five Ten Women's Wind Jacket - Jassen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

When you're on your mountain bike you'll constantly be gaining and losing altitude, exposed to windblown hilltops and the thrills of fast descents to the valley floor. And with it face frequent changes in the weather and riding conditions. But thanks to the windproof Women's Wind Jacket you've always got an extra layer of protection to pull on.  Five Ten have made the jacket in WIND.RDY material with wind-resistant technology that defies the chilling effects of windchill and low-hanging clouds filled with drizzle. It's a super-light fabric too, making it easy to roll up and stash away - in fact, it packs up neatly into its own chest pocket. The elasticated hood slips under mountain bike helmets too, adding an extra level of protection when needed.  The Women's Wind Jacket is made for a life lived off-road, with abrasion-resistant panels across the shoulders, hood and lower back. Any pulls, snags and brushes with trailside trees and bushes are no problem. Zipped chest and back pockets make space for small items - ideal for stowing away keys or a lift pass ticket.       


Merk Five Ten
EAN 4065429659303