Assos ASSOSOIRES Recovery Socks - Sokken

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Product omschrijving

Whether you've pushed your endurance limits on an epic all-day bike ride or pushed through the pain barrier during an intense interval session, as soon as you hop off the bike it's time to begin the recovery process. And with the ASSOSOIRES Recovery Socks, recovery starts as soon as you pull them on. Assos uses their InfraRed yarns, featuring a high percentage of elastomer and blended with Lycra, to give graduated compression for your legs. It starts firm across the foot and ankle and gradually eases in pressure as it moves up the leg. This encourages circulation, flushing the muscles with blood, speeding waste removal and aiding overall recovery. The arch also benefits from a ribbed band, adding further support and improving breathability, while the seamless construction does away with unnecessary seams. These socks keep your feet cool and comfortable as you rest up.


Merk Assos
EAN 2220000175807