Assos RS Leg Warmers TARGA - Beenwarmers

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Product omschrijving

With feedback from WorldTour cyclists, the RS Leg Warmers TARGA offer race-ready performance that offers uncompromising comfort, warmth, and ease of removal. Warmth comes by the way of Assos' mid-weight OSMOS Medium textile. This is ideally suited to the cool, but not freezing, conditions of spring and autumn, or even a cool summer morning. It's breathable too, ensuring higher tempo efforts don't leave your legs drenched in sweat.  The fit has been refined to reduce pedalling restrictions and there's greater thermal protection on the outside of the upper thigh and into the hip area. The combination of the stretch materials and Assos' raceFit gives a smooth, compressive fit that allows for easy mobility. If you're planning to spend the whole ride in your warmers, the low bulk skinGrip silicone gripper keeps them securely in place. But if you do decide to remove your warmers as you warm up, the ankle zipper makes this a much easier affair. 


Merk Assos
EAN 2220000231152