Troy Lee Designs Shuttle Jacket - Jassen

Van het merk Troy Lee Designs

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Product omschrijving

Made from a windproof ripstop fabric, the Shuttle Jacket is just what you need for a day on mountain bike trails. It's light in weight too, so you'll not notice it when you're wearing it and it packs away small enough to fit easily in your backpack. Ideal for cool days where weather conditions change as quickly as the terrain under your wheels.  With ventilation under the arms and back, it regulates temperature well too, ensuring you don't get too hot and sweaty when working hard. The cut of the jacket allows plenty of space to move and a drop tail provides extra coverage when you're attacking trails.  A lower back pocket makes space for small essentials and an easy-pull zipper makes access safe and secure. Reflective detailing on the rear vent aids visibility.


Merk Troy Lee Designs
EAN 887202339066