Men-ü DB Premier Shave Brush with Chrome Stand - Black

Van het merk Men U

Er zijn helaas geen men-ü DB Premier Shave Brush with Chrome Stand - Black aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Experience the ultimate close shave with the men-ü DB Premier Synthetic Bristle Shaving Brush with Chrome Stand. Combining the perfect balance of resistance and softness with the ability to raise the beard and generate a fine, rich lather, the Italian sourced set will leave you with a smooth, exfoliated complexion. Sourced from Italy where they supply the traditional barber with the finest shaving brushes, the synthetic bristles on the brush are non-absorbent and therefore require less shave crème. It's recommended that you dry your brush by hanging on the stand provided. This is because the bristles should always dry facing down, rather than up into the handle. Not only is it more hygienic, but is also helps prevent the bristles from falling out. The set comprises a synthetic bristle shaving brush with a chrome stand and a 15ml tube of men-ü Shave Crème that offers up to 20 shaves. - K.N.


Merk Men U
EAN 50024650