Magnitone London Scrub Up Ultrasonic Pore Scrubber

Van het merk Magnitone London

Er zijn helaas geen Magnitone London Scrub Up Ultrasonic Pore Scrubber aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

A three-in-one treatment device by Magnitone London, the Scrub Up Ultrasonic Pore Scrubber seeks to cleanse, moisturise and lift the skin through powerful ultrasonic vibrations and an ion technology. The cleanse setting helps to declogg pores by removing dirt and build-up, supporting a clarified-looking complexion. The moisturising mode distributes your serums and creams into the skin, while the lift setting uses the ultrasonic pulsations to help encourage the appearance of firmer skin.


Merk Magnitone London
EAN 5060290252416