Altura Women's Icon Long Sleeve Jersey - Fietstruien

Van het merk Altura

Er zijn helaas geen Altura Women's Icon Long Sleeve Jersey - Fietstruien aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

If you're greeted by a cold but clear winter day, with clear blue skies and frost twinkling upon the ground, it's a great time to enjoy a bike ride. And it's for these days where the Women's Icon Long Sleeve Jersey comes into its own. The first thing you'll notice is the cosy thermal brushed-back fabric. Not only is it warm, insulating you nicely against colder temperatures, but it's also breathable too. You remain warm when the pace is steady but sweat is kept to a minimum when you're putting in more intense efforts. And thanks to the semi-fitted silhouette, it keeps you streamlined but still offers easy freedom of movement on the bike. Three rear pockets make space for winter cycling essentials, be it energy bars, spare tube or a rain jacket. A zippered pocket provides a secure place for keys and cash too. A silicone hem gripper provides a snug fit at the waist, even if you're in a lower, more aggressive riding position. 


Merk Altura
EAN 5034948156265