Castelli womens free sanremo suit sleeveless - Triatlonpakken

Van het merk Castelli

Er zijn helaas geen Castelli womens free sanremo suit sleeveless - Triatlonpakken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Laat je emailadres hier achter, dan laten wij je met een kort berichtje per email weten wanneer er Castelli womens free sanremo suit sleeveless - Triatlonpakken aanbiedingen zijn. Zo zorg je dat jij als eerste op de hoogte bent, en het item voor de scherpste sale prijs in de uitverkoop koopt.

Product omschrijving

Castelli's best all-around long-distance race suit but in a sleeveless version. This suit trades the on-bike aerodynamic advantages of sleeves for the comfort and cooling of a sleeveless top. Everything else is full race performance. The short portion is built around comfort, with compressive fabrics for muscle support, the GIRO4 leg gripper that holds the leg securely in place without the dreaded sausage effect, and the KISS Tri seat pad that provides good padding and comfort on the bike yet is hardly noticeable on the run. The upper portion features the Castelli Sanremo overlapping front opening to optimize fit during the swim and run when you're fully stretched out, while avoiding folds when hunched over in the bike position. There are two generous rear pockets, and the armholes have been constructed to reduce chafing during the run. If you're not fighting for the win or a Kona slot, maybe the comfort-aerodynamics trade-off is worth it.


Merk Castelli
EAN 8050949618622