Castelli Racing Stripe 18 Socks - Sokken

Van het merk Castelli

Er zijn helaas geen Castelli Racing Stripe 18 Socks - Sokken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Having cold, numb feet on the bike is a quick way to sap your motivation to keep going with your ride. But with the Racing Stripe 18 Socks, you’ll benefit from the natural insulation of merino wool fibres. Not only warm, but the wool fibres are also quick to wick away moisture, retain warmth even when wet and offer odour resistance too. The natural performance of the wool is enhanced by the durability and flexibility of synthetic fibres. Toe and heels are reinforced, ensuring you get a good life out of your socks. An 18cm tall cuff gives extended coverage above the ankle and works well with winter tights and leg warmers too.


Merk Castelli
EAN 8050949735923