Ronhill Women's Life Night Tights - Leggings

Van het merk Ronhill

Er zijn helaas geen Ronhill Women's Life Night Tights - Leggings aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Providing warmth on those cold winter mornings, the Ronhill Women's Life Nightrunner Tights are constructed from a knitted thermal fabric with a brushed inner surface. Great at regulating body temperature keeping you warm when its cold and dispersing heat as your workout hots up. Soft and highly comfortable, the fabric is also highly breathable and wicking, ensuring you stay dry, comfortable and well ventilated. The skin fit design provides low impact muscle support, while the elastane stretch content allows for full freedom of movement. Finished with a secure stash pocket to keep small valuables safe and reflective trim to ensure you stay visible in low light.


Merk Ronhill
EAN 5051508544768