Adidas SUPERNOVA 2 Running Shoes - Hardloopschoenen

Van het merk Adidas

Er zijn helaas geen adidas SUPERNOVA 2 Running Shoes - Hardloopschoenen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Built for comfort, the adidas SUPERNOVA 2 Running Shoes are designed to help you run comfortably, every time, and on every terrain. The shoes combine a mix of adidas advanced Bounce and increased Boost in the midsole, with a new padded tongue and heel patch construction that ensures comfort in every step and stride. Made with a 10% lower carbon footprint than the original 2020 Supernova, the adidas SUPERNOVA 2 Running Shoes utilising natural and renewable materials.  


Merk Adidas
EAN 4066748662685