Dhb Women's Long Sleeve Run Top 2.0 - Hardloopshirts (lange mouwen)

Van het merk Dhb

Er zijn helaas geen dhb Women's Long Sleeve Run Top 2.0 - Hardloopshirts (lange mouwen) aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

This lightweight, comfortable and versatile performance run top is perfect for every type of runner. Made with a smart temperature fabric this top is moisture-wicking and anti-odour to keep you comfortable throughout your run and ensure your top is perfect season after season. Designed with a slight tail drop for added coverage during the most intense of runs, a side seam split for improved style, and dhb have also added reflective details which help improve visibility in low light conditions.   HEIQ Smart Temp  Intelligent thermoregulation which helps maintain a balanced body temperature. The fabric can dynamically respond to your body temperature with the cooling function being activated as your body heats up and then deactivates once optimal temperature has been reached. 


Merk Dhb
EAN 5056389560982