Speedo Women's Placement Digital Medalist - Badpakken

Van het merk Speedo

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Product omschrijving

The Speedo Women's Placement Medalist One-Piece Swimsuit is perfect for regular training sessions in the pool. Offering a clean, modern silhouette with a stylish appearance, great mobility and durable fabric for long-lasting wear. Ensuring a great fit thanks to the medium neck, back and leg cut, with a Medalist construction, this one-piece swimsuit offers incredible comfort and full freedom of movement in the water, giving unparalleled flexibility so you can easily glide through the water and make the most of every stroke. Endurance+ fabric provides a perfect, gently stretchy fit, while fully chlorine-resistant properties mean the material retains its shape and the stunning graphic won't fade with many uses. A stylish print design gives a head-turning finish, while quick-drying fabric means you will not only look great but will also feel more comfortable when out of the water.


Merk Speedo
EAN 5059937301266