O'Neal Mayhem Dirt Gloves - Handschoenen

Van het merk O Neal

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Product omschrijving

When you're in your mountain bike zone, zipping along singletrack, leaning into berms and hitting drops, the Mayhem Dirt Gloves make sure you never lose grip. Their pre-curved fit and 4-way stretch Lycra® panels give unrivalled flexibility and dexterity, maintaining a natural feel on the grips.  The comfort and control are enhanced by the single layer Nanofront® palm. This high-tech palm material has been engineered to be highly flexible for ultimate comfort and a perfect feel for the terrain below your wheels. Its especially dense surface structure also increases gripping force, making sure you keep control in all weather and across any terrain. Silicone palm prints also add a reassuring hold on the bars and brake levers. 


Merk O Neal
EAN 4046068563466