Troy Lee Designs Flowline Helmet - Helmen

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Product omschrijving

The Flowline Helmet offers a futuristic and minimalistic aesthetic that retains the Troy Lee design ethos but something a bit different too. Whether a beginner to the brilliant world of mountain biking or a hardened rowdy rider, you'll enjoy the ideal balance of safety, comfort, performance and TLD style.  In-Mould Protection Packed with trail-riding safety features, you'll find the full-wrap in-mould construction, matching a shock-absorbing EPS core to tough micro-shell outer, resists high-speed crashes, slow-speed topple-overs and regular knocks and bumps from trailside bushes and branches.  MIPS (Multi-directional Impact Protection System)  The Flowline also features the Mips B32 safety solution integrated into the retention system. The Mips system is designed to provide added safety for helmets in many accidents. For specific impacts, the Mips system can reduce harmful rotational motion that might otherwise be transferred to the user’s head. Rotational motion is a common cause of concussions in oblique hits to the head. In a crash, the Mips system is designed to move slightly inside the helmet to help redirect forces away from the head. Ready to Roll The Flowline has all you need for a great ride and on-trail comfort. Inside, the plush liner feels great to wear, while the TLD precision fit system gives you a wide range of adjustments for a safe and secure fit. A pinch-snap closure makes it quick and easy to get in and out of your lid and an adjustable screwless visor can be set to keep out the sun or rain and keep your vision clear.


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