Assos Spring Fall Knee Warmers - Kniewarmers

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Product omschrijving

Chilly autumn and spring days, or even an early start during summer, can soon leave the knees feeling exposed and stiff. But thanks to the lightly insulated Spring Fall Knee Warmers you can add warmth to this vulnerable joint and keep muscles feeling supple and strong. Dealing quickly with sweat is just as vital for comfort too. And here too the knee warmers excel. The aggressive moisture-wicking fabric deals rapidly with any sweat you generate, preventing it from pooling on the skin and causing irritation. Not only are they great for lightweight insulation, but the warmers also provide protection against the sun's rays during a sunny day of cycling. Meanwhile, Assos' Circular Seamless technology virtually eliminates the bunching normally associated with knee warmers, making them barely noticeable once you pull them on.


Merk Assos
EAN 2220000218757