Aromatherapy Associates Moment of Sleep Duo

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Product omschrijving

Discover tranquil sleep with our award-winning deep relax duo, hand-blended with restful vetivert, soothing camomile and comforting sandalwood. Prepare for the ultimate night with our bedtime heroes. Set Contents: Deep Relax Bath & Shower Oil 9ml Experience the relaxing and restful powers of vetivert, camomile and sandalwood to prepare for a tranquil night’s sleep. Deep Relax Sleep Mist 10ml Prepare for the best night's sleep with our performance-proven Deep Relax Sleep Mist, for use on skin and linens. This highly blended 100% natural essential oils includes vetiver, camomile and sandalwood.


Merk Aromatherapy Associates
EAN 642498017797