Scorpion Adf-9000 Air Trail Zwart-Blauw-Wit Adventure Helm L

Van het merk Scorpion

Er zijn helaas geen Scorpion Adf-9000 Air Trail Zwart-Blauw-Wit Adventure Helm L aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Scorpion ADF-9000 Air is a great helmet by Scorpion for Adventure/Touring riders. Adventure helmets are awesome for those riders that love to ride on a dirt road, but also want to have a helmet that performs well on tarmac. Adventure helmets are known for their comfort, ventilation and versatility. They sport a MX helmet style peak to block sunlight and protect you from roost or low hanging branches and have a larger eyeport to accomodate a pair of MX goggles. If this ADF-9000 Air is not the helmet you are looking for, don't worry we have a lot of other Scorpion adventure motorcycle helmets () in our collection.


Merk Scorpion
EAN 3399990111436