Midland ER200 Emergency Radio

Van het merk Midland

Er zijn helaas geen Midland ER200 Emergency Radio aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Midland ER200 Emergency Radio The ER200 Emergency Radio from Midland is the perfect companion for all your adventures. This radio and powerbank comes with an AM/FM receiver and has three power sources: the solar panel that recharges the internal Li-Ion 2600mAh battery pack, the dynamo crank placed on the rear side of the product that allows the manual recharge during a power outage or anytime away from a power source. And with the Mini-USB port you can recharge the ER200 with a PC or USB charger.    Features: * FM/AM radio * Cree LED 130 flashlight * SOS flashlight beacon that activates Morse code for emergency assistance * Powerful powerbank


Merk Midland
EAN 8011869204050