ROOF Bamboo Pure Mat Khaki Jet Helm 2XL

Van het merk Roof

Er zijn helaas geen ROOF Bamboo Pure Mat Khaki Jet Helm 2XL aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The ROOF Bamboo is a great jet helmet by ROOF. A jet helmet provides ultimate freedom, and often gives you that classic look. Because of this classic look you often see Urban/Street riders loving this type of helmet. Not only do they often provide excellent ventilation and field of view, they are the lightest type of helmets out there. This Bamboo only weighs 1220g. The low weight provides excellent freedom making the jet helmet a great choice for riders who love to ride in sunny weather. If this Bamboo is not the helmet you are looking for, don't worry we have a lot of other  ROOF jet helmets () in our collection.


Merk Roof
EAN 3662305016086