Super Facialist Hexapeptide 9 Anti-Ageing Advanced Rejuvenating Night Cream - 50ml

Van het merk Super Facialist

Er zijn helaas geen Super Facialist Hexapeptide 9 Anti-Ageing Advanced Rejuvenating Night Cream - 50ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Skin regeneration slows as we age, causing wrinkles to appear deeper. The Super Facialist Hexapeptide-9 Advanced Rejuvenating Night Cream works to soften the appearance of fine lines for a plump, youthful-looking complexion. Setting to work as you sleep, the formula combines an Anti-Ageing Complex with omega-rich camelina seed oil to help smooth and revitalise your skin. This night cream seeks to renew and hydrate for a supple complexion come morning.


Merk Super Facialist
EAN 5060528324908