TCX RT-Race Pro Air Black White Grey 48

Van het merk Tcx

Er zijn helaas geen TCX RT-Race Pro Air Black White Grey 48 aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Why choose the TCX RT-Race Pro Air Black White Grey Racing boot? The TCX RT-Race Pro Air Racing boots are part of ChromeBurner’s protective footwear collection. Any avid track rider knows good racing boots are indispensable. Racing boots are generally lighter, stiffer and snugger than most types of boots, in general they also have smoother soles which give you good touch sensitivity with your controls, and most have toesliders for, well... sliding. Good gear can give you peace of mind and allows you to ride with confidence. If these racing boots are not right up your street, check out our other racing boots from TCX. () TCX RT-Race Pro Air construction These racing boots will give you everything you need ifyou're the type of rider who likes to beat the stopwatch, whether it's on the track or on your daily route to the office. They boost protective features in the form of an Ankle brace, Heel cup, Shin guard, Toe cap, Toe sliders. Despite being designed to be snug fitting, it


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