LS2 OF606 Drifter Jeans Titanium 06 Multi Helm L

Van het merk Ls2

Er zijn helaas geen LS2 OF606 Drifter Jeans Titanium 06 Multi Helm L aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

LS2 OF606 Drifter Jeans Titanium 06 Multi Helmet The Drifter Jeans Titanium is a great multi helmet by LS 2 for the multitasking rider. These type of helmets are the epitome of versatility. You can play around with all the removable parts and set up the helmet in various different configurations to tailor to your needs! This specific helmet has a removable chin guard. It offers the option to ride with or without the mask, depending on the situation. Very easy to take off with the double click in two places.  Safety featuresConstructed from Polycarbonate, this EXO-491 offers excellent protection and performance without having to break the bank. The chinstrap is an important part of the helmet's effectiveness in a crash, and it is also the part that you interact with the most when putting on and taking off the helmet. The Drifter Jeans Titanium features a Micrometic buckle. This is a safe and user-friendly buckle. It allows for easy adjustments and unlike any other style of


Merk Ls2
EAN 6923221123508