DFNS Apparel Launder 85ml Flight wit

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Er zijn helaas geen DFNS Apparel Launder 85ml Flight wit aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Make your clothes smell fresh, get rid of wrinkles and do something good for the environment in the processWhen you're out and about, it's important to stay fresh. This is where the DFNS Apparel Launder comes in. It allows you to freshen up, shape and de-wrinkle your clothes in just a few steps. How does it work? The Apparel Launder "de-wrinkles" clothes by penetrating the fibres to weaken and loosen the hydrogen bonds that hold them together. The unique formula works on different fabrics to lubricate the fibres and keep creases at bay. In addition, the refreshing technology not only hides bad odours but neutralises them as well. Sustainability The Apparel Launder is manufactured in an environmentally friendly facility that adheres to the AISE Charter, a voluntary EU initiative that promotes and facilitates a common industry approach to safety and sustainability. FeaturesDFNS Apparel Launder 85 ml FlightSuitable for air travel thanks to the smaller filling quantityFrees clothes from unpleasant odours and wrinkles Water-based and therefore safe for you, your clothes and the planetAiropack® technology for use without gasOne less cycle of the washing machine per week saves 30 full bathtubs of water per year


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