Illamasqua Ultramatter Lipstick - Amy Red

Van het merk Illamasqua

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Product omschrijving

With high pigmentation and a flawless no shine finish, this ultra-matte lipstick creates an intense and bold lip look. Inspired by Amy's favourite shade of red, this warm deep coral shade will saturate your lips with colour. The Amy Winehouse and Amy trade marks (and related copyrights) are the property of the foundation. 4.6% of the sale price of this product goes to the Amy Winehouse Foundation, Registered charity no: 1143740 (England and Wales). This represents the amount which would have been due to the Estate of Amy Winehouse, which has waived its entitlement to its share of the profits in favour of the charity. The Amy Winehouse Foundation is inspired by Amy’s spirit, her love of children and the challenges that she faced in her own life. Today, the charity helps thousands of young people to feel supported and informed so that they are better able to manage their emotional wellbeing and make informed choices around things that can affect their lives.


Merk Illamasqua
EAN 5060746521189