PMD Clean Acne Device

Van het merk Pmd

Er zijn helaas geen PMD Clean Acne Device aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Elevate your skincare routine with PMD’s Clean Acne Device, a smart facial cleansing device that offers a deep daily cleanse. Customisable for all skin types thanks to two cleansing modes, the dual-sided device works with your cleanser to break down dead skin cells, dirt and oil. Ultra-soft silicone creates the textured brush-like side to gently buff the skin, with the help of SonicGlow™ Technology that delivers 7,000 vibrations per minute. On the reverse, LEDs emit blue light to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and blackheads. Skin is left feeling clean and clarified.


Merk Pmd
EAN 811485036374