Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve Dream Night Cream (Various Sizes) - 15ml

Van het merk Fresh

Er zijn helaas geen Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve Dream Night Cream (Various Sizes) - 15ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve Dream Night Cream is formulated to nourish and reenergise your skin while you catch up on your beauty sleep. The moisturiser is centred around the key ingredient super lotus, bursting with antioxidant properties sourced from lotus plant extract. The formula is designed to hydrate the skin’s natural barrier while peach leaf extract helps to promote a refreshed and revitalised result. The face cream is the perfect addition to your night time routine, formulated to care for your skin while promoting a youthful-looking radiance.


Merk Fresh
EAN 809280143397