Fresh Sugar Caramel Hydrating Lip Balm 6g

Van het merk Fresh

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Product omschrijving

Like a mouth-watering dessert for your pout, Fresh’s Sugar Caramel Hydrating Lip Balm looks good enough to eat with its resemblance to dulce de leche, sinfully sweet scent and indulgent buttery texture. Presented in a miniature tub that fits easily in your pocket, the non-sticky lip balm cushions your pout with a protective veil of moisture, replete with lustrous shine. A blend of nutrient-rich natural oils –apricot kernel, blackcurrant seed and grapeseed – creates an impenetrable coat that locks in nourishing all-day moisture, preventing dehydration. Vitamin E provides antioxidant protection. Dry lips are instantly transformed with velvety-soft suppleness and plumpness. Free from: parabens, MIT/MCI, formaldehyde, BHA, phthalates, silicones D4 & D6, hydroquinone, triclosan and triclocarban.


Merk Fresh
EAN 809280149238