Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Oil-Infused Serum 100ml

Van het merk Fresh

Er zijn helaas geen Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Oil-Infused Serum 100ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Nourish your way to dewy skin with the Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Oil-Infused Serum. This serum imparts a quenching wave of hydration that lasts for up to 24-hours. Offering a two-phase approach, the potent formula transforms into a silky serum, balancing water and oil. It works to replenish thirsty skin, thanks to a blend of rosewater, damask rose and lightweight oils. Resisting a greasy finish, the serum seeks to deliver a fresh glow. Simply shake to activate this powerhouse formula.


Merk Fresh
EAN 809280144165