Fresh Vitamin Nectar Glow Moisturiser 50ml

Van het merk Fresh

Er zijn helaas geen Fresh Vitamin Nectar Glow Moisturiser 50ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Uplift your complexion with the Fresh Vitamin Nectar Glow Moisturiser. Enriched with multivitamins, the cream is designed to envelop the skin in a daily dose of hydration. Lemon and orange extracts offer a vitamin fruit complex of vitamins C, E and B5, helping to promote a silky-smooth texture while revitalising skin with a healthy-looking radiance. The fast-absorbing formula is infused with the energising scent of citrus, captivating the senses while offering a brightening boost for dull, tired skin.


Merk Fresh
EAN 809280132193