Fresh Tea Elixir Skin Resilience Activating Serum 30ml

Van het merk Fresh

Er zijn helaas geen Fresh Tea Elixir Skin Resilience Activating Serum 30ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Fresh’s Tea Elixir Skin Resilience Activating Serum is an advanced formula that promotes the illusion of plumper-looking skin. Suitable for all skin types, the serum helps to protect the skin against external aggressors that can contribute to premature skin ageing. The formula is enriched with niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, to help brighten and minimise the look of pores. A blend of ceramides and ocean kelp work synergistically to protect the skin against dryness, while 5kDA hyaluronic acid minimises the look of fine lines. The milky texture absorbs quickly into the skin, summoning a radiant complexion. Fragranced with a refreshing tea aroma.


Merk Fresh
EAN 809280155826