Fresh Black Tea Advanced Age Renewal Cream 50ml

Van het merk Fresh

Er zijn helaas geen Fresh Black Tea Advanced Age Renewal Cream 50ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Whipped into an irresistibly sumptuous cream, the Fresh Black Tea Advanced Age Renewal Cream helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, while enhancing skin's overall radiance. The formula offers visible plumping effects thanks to an exclusive BT MatrixTM, a retinol-like blend* of antioxidant black tea and rambutan leaf extracts. This is supported by Ceramide NP, a lipid that helps to protect the skin barrier and lock in moisture. Ideal for skin that is prone to a loss of firmness, the daily moisturiser leaves your complexion looking supple and dewy. *This product does not contain retinol.


Merk Fresh
EAN 809280158353